Dream Home Intangibles

Think about these things first, to make your dreams come true!

Ever wonder why you worked so hard. Why you saved so much? Why you took the chances you took. Spent the hours you knew you’d never get back?

Nancy Hassler Realtor, Roger Hassler Broker

Nancy and Roger Hassler, Realtor and Broker

We know why! It was for this moment! It’s time for your dream home. And whether that is an existing luxury home, or a brand new construction project, it’s time to make it happen. That’s exciting! So let’s do it!

We are Nancy Hassler (Broker) and Roger Hassler (Realtor), and we love to make Dream Home Dreams come true. Done right…it’s an amazing experience, and that’s what we want for you!

Money is a factor, sure. That’s not even a question, money matters and you won’t be taken advantage of. We’ve worked with others like you over our 20+ years in real estate, There’s more to purchasing or building a home than just the dollars and cents. Location, size, amenities in the area, life style are just a few considerations.

So what should you be thinking about? What makes a dream come true?

  • How big should your next home be?

  • What Medina County neighborhood or township will you call home?

  • Single story or mansion?

  • Cash or finance?

  • Existing luxury home or new construction (hint…we can help you with both!)

The truth is, you don’t get to do this every day…and when you do make a decision, it’s a foundational one, so there are many factors to consider before you sign on the dotted line.

Here are some things to consider:

Existing Luxury or New Home Construction

new construction, dream home, real estate

New Construction needs a plan, and a realtor!

Do you want to buy a classic home, loved and lived in, with the character that comes with it? Or do you want something that is yours…your vision, your dreams come true…your perfect fit. Some people wait to decide this after they’ve looked around. In other words, they let the market decide. If they can’t find an existing luxury home, then they fall back to building…or if the new construction market is expensive, they fall back to a gently used option.

We strongly urge you to decide what is best for you first…and then wait for the market to open up to your needs.

After all, these are YOUR DREAMS! A good real estate agent (Yes…there are a few of us!) will spend the time it takes to find your perfect existing home, or consult with you on a new construction process to make dreams come true. But by all means, please don’t settle. Give your dream home the chance to appear. In our experience, patience is a virtue as you seek your next home.

Social Lifestyle

Dream Homes were meant for Grandkids

Don’t forget the grandkids in your Dream Home planning steps!

There’s more to a home than square footage and open floor plans. Where you live makes a difference. Location-location-location isn’t a well known phrase for nothing, right!

  • Will you be entertaining, watching the grandkids, resting quietly at night?

  • Or will you be traveling a lot, going to movies and date nights more than eating in and watching movies?

  • Do you want to spend more time outdoors, or are you dreaming of the perfect master suite?

Do you really plan to mow all of that yard, or plow that driveway when it snows?

Just take a little time to answer “What do I want my life to look like?”. The answer should include things like “city life within walking distance”, “quiet solitude with a backyard for the kids to play”, or “plenty of room to welcome family and friends”. These define “home” far more than home style, dimensions, or picket fences.

Health and Wellness

  • We don’t like to think about it, but we should. Your dream home will be your dream home for many years to come.

  • Give thought to accessibility concerns, access to health care and maintenance concerns.

  • Maybe you want to think about where the in-home gym will go!

  • Should the streets be suitable for walking or bicycling.

  • Think about things like upstairs/downstairs, laundry and bedroom locations, basements, size of the yard, etc.

The list goes on and on, and only you know the answers. A good real estate agent, though, will know the questions, so ask him or her to talk it through with you. And don’t ignore the hard answers to the tough questions. We all have to deal with things. And when we do, planning ahead will help you live your dream for many years to come.

Business and Wealth

Your dream home is still a real estate transaction. It is still a money issue. And you didn’t get this far by making rash decisions. Part of making your dream come true is making sure it’s a financially strong purchase.

  • Think about resale value for reasons, such as, future decisions due to aging, cash flow/loan options, inheritance, etc. It’s your dream, and you can spend it all…but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do so in a wise way.

  • Interest rates matter. Keep your eye on the market and pull the trigger when it’s right. A good agent will help you know what makes the best sense.

  • Even if you’ll pay cash for your dream home, the buyer of your current home probably won’t. You’ll likely sell your current home for more when the buyer can save on interest rates.

  • Downsizing: Sometimes it can cost you more for less. There are many downsizing options on

  • the market that should be considered. You just need to take the time to ensure you’re getting a

  • good value, not just a nice price per square foot.

Some people may find these tips obvious. We’ve dealt with many more complex issues, of course, especially in helping make peoples dreams come true. More often than not, at least one of these concerns is ignored or overlooked. And that can make a dream…not so dreamy.

We’ll be adding posts to this blog to help buyers like you find the Home of your Dreams. Click here to sign up for alerts when we do. Until then, if you want to talk about your dream home, call one of us today. Whether you need consultation on building your home as a new construction project, or help finding the perfect pre-existing luxury home in Medina, we are here to help.

Your experience matters!! That’s why our knowledge and experience does make the difference!

We are Nancy and Roger Hassler, of The Hassler Group. We look forward to helping you make YOUR dreams come true.


Building a New Home? Call a Realtor first.